Today we seem to be getting back to normal. Sir is feeling much better, has more energy and his vitals are back to normal. He is still a bit weak and tires quickly as we walk around, but that improves everytime we go out.
Today we went out looking at new sewing machines for me, did some shopping and started thinking about our upcoming move to Ireland. We need to start planning it in earnest soon. We will be going over there again soon to look at living accomodations. We must decide what to do about our home here as well.
We also went to see the new X-Men movie which was enjoyable for its costumes, but I found the story a bit weak. It was nice to see Famke Jansenn in her red dress, but she almost had no lines. The young actress Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde did a wonderful job and truly caught the essence of the character.
We are off on travels again next week...Sir has some business and he is bringing me along. I shall be with him in the capacity of his private rubber nurse, I suppose :-)
Take care everyone (and thank you for all the nice thoughts during Sir's illness)
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
What a couple of weeks!
As soon as we returned from Ireland, Sir came down with pneumonia and spent a week in hospital. It was most distressing. However, he is better now, although still recovering somewhat. He's weak and tires easily.
So it has been a slow fortnight. First he was in hospital and I was spending a great deal of time at the hospital, then when he came home, he has been resting and I have been playing nursemaid.
Ok, so there HAS been a bit of fun in the past week, playing nursemaid..:-)
Aside from that, Sir has received his new priest's cassock in long black latex. I love the way it looks on him and he's been wearing it this past week as a robe while resting. I've been tending him mostly in my nun's habit.
We have not been out much, but I did get a few comments on my latex dresses when I visited Sir in hospital. I typically wore an ankle length loose fitting dress, stockings, and gloves. Of course I corseted, but I did not cover my face or wear my burqa because that would have probably caused too much consternation for the nurses.
Overall, the nurses were too shy to ask me much about my clothing, but a couple asked what it was made of and commented that it looked nice. I wore white, red, and black on different days.
So we are slowly getting back to normal. Sir is feeling better and breathing easier. We're not sure WHY he contracted pneumonia so suddenly...I had no problems at all, but I was covered in my burqa and hood as we flew back. Perhaps he contracted something on the plane.
Take care everyone
As soon as we returned from Ireland, Sir came down with pneumonia and spent a week in hospital. It was most distressing. However, he is better now, although still recovering somewhat. He's weak and tires easily.
So it has been a slow fortnight. First he was in hospital and I was spending a great deal of time at the hospital, then when he came home, he has been resting and I have been playing nursemaid.
Ok, so there HAS been a bit of fun in the past week, playing nursemaid..:-)
Aside from that, Sir has received his new priest's cassock in long black latex. I love the way it looks on him and he's been wearing it this past week as a robe while resting. I've been tending him mostly in my nun's habit.
We have not been out much, but I did get a few comments on my latex dresses when I visited Sir in hospital. I typically wore an ankle length loose fitting dress, stockings, and gloves. Of course I corseted, but I did not cover my face or wear my burqa because that would have probably caused too much consternation for the nurses.
Overall, the nurses were too shy to ask me much about my clothing, but a couple asked what it was made of and commented that it looked nice. I wore white, red, and black on different days.
So we are slowly getting back to normal. Sir is feeling better and breathing easier. We're not sure WHY he contracted pneumonia so suddenly...I had no problems at all, but I was covered in my burqa and hood as we flew back. Perhaps he contracted something on the plane.
Take care everyone