I have not written anything here for several weeks and i thought I should post a little something.
The spring is going well here but the weather is still cool and a bit wet. We have had more dry days, however. We went back to the US for a couple of weeks in early April, though, and it was much warmer. Our house is in good condition and we spent some time there just relaxing. It was considerably warmer than here in Ireland.
My blue and white outfits saw a lot of Texas weather while we were there. We also went down to San Antonio for a couple of days to see Sir's family. Very nice and once again they were most accepting of their strange in law with her silent rubbery ways :). So the first part of April was most enjoyable.
Except that when we returned I discovered some significant damage to my blue burqa. It has a significant rip in the body suit and I do not know how it happened. Sir is investigating repair, but I suspect it is beyond help.
We went down to SW Ireland last weekend and spent some time site seeing. Sir had been down before but not I. I was in all white for the day...catsuit, dress, and burqa. We wandered around for about 12 hours seeing some hill forts, and small towns and a waterfall. It was all quite nice and I shall post some of the pictures if Sir allows it.
Sir has been experimenting with longer periods of enclosure for me, having me wear more layers during the day and for longer periods. It has been most strenuous but enjoyable particularly experimenting with heavy hoods and inflatable restriction devices.
Other than all that, I am sitting here on our back balcony, enjoying the nice Irish spring we are having, wrapped in several layers of rubber including a transparent skinsuit and an inflatable dress which barely allows me to move. The hoods are very tight and the gag I inserted into my mouth this morning is stretching my mouth as I inflated it a bit more before I started writing. My red burqa covers all and keeps me modest.
I was online a little while ago and on camera and will be again later tonight I think. But first I think I shall take a little nap lying here on my deck chair, wrapped in rubber.