Thursday, March 17, 2005

See at last, See at last

Ah, light

Light is...painfully bright he first time you see it in a week.

Sir returned last night. maid drove me to the airport, took me into the terminal to wait for him and then, per his orders, left me standing netxt to a wall, burqa'd, gagged and blinded by my hoods. The gag for Wednesday's little journey was not just a thin layer of latex over my mouth to remind me not to speak. It was a blowup gag complete with inflator bulb dangling under mu burqa.

I stood next to a wall and just waited. I was in some fairly heavy bondge under there...not able to move much because of a chain from my wrists to my ankles and hobbled by a long tight skirt. It took forever just to walk from the parking garage to inside the terminal.

Maid was dressed in her english maid uniform with no hood, so she looked fairly 'normal' to be guiding someone who probably looked like a frail old woman under a burqa.

I waited for what seemed like forever for Sir to come get me. In reality, maid said later it was only about ten minutes. I felt someone take my arm, and then he said, "let's go" and I knew I was OK. Just a small heart attack.

He walked me back to the car where maid was waiting and then we drove home. Nothing special except me being trembling with fear and excitement. At home he and I went upstairs to our room and got reaquainted for a while :)

When maid announced supper, he led me downstairs and slowly took off my hood and gag. Fortunately, the lights were dim in the dining room. Even the candle flames hurt as I tried to blink vision back into focus. But over half an hour it got better and I was wonderfully pleased with being able to see again.

I'm not sure I want to do that again...a week blind and gagged was tough (although I found I had little to say after a week of silence and mumbled communication with maid). but it was an experience and it was interesting to see how restricting my sight could be a form of bondage too.

I will say that seeing him in his catsuit and hood and gasmask when he first took mine off was about as erotic a moment as I could stand. There is just something so kinky about coming out of the dark to see a tall rubbered man in front of you...whew!

Took me til tonight to feel I could sit and write by myself. So, that's it for now. More later.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    I'm curious, if I may, to know what kind and weight of material the burqa is made of. The Afghan-import silky one I have is a bit heavy as it is, and I can only imagine any kind of sturdier material would make one's neck ache after a while. (While one can't beat the privacy it provides when shopping, driving is right out of the question.)
