Here is a shot of my new red burqa to replace the one I accidentally destroyed a few months ago.
Peter Leth made this one for me and it is wonderfully light, beautiful and comfortable to wear.
I shall post more photos soon
A diary of my happy life as a 24/7 submissive latex fetishist.
We look forward to the rest of your photos.
We have been trying to find Peter Leth's website or some kind of contact details for him since you mentioned he was making for you a few weeks back.
Does he have a site?
Very cool - Peter Leth had this photo picture book out with a dressing up session in up to nine layers of rubber. Maybe that´s what will be expected of you in the near future ?
That wonderful picture conjures up the thought of that soft red rubber brushing on ones skin and the pleaant smell of the material. Lokking forward to more of the same. Lucky Sir to have a Latex Lady.
The red burqa looks lovely, I am sure you felt wonderful & feminine wearing it to see King Kong. I bet you were the center of many eyes too!
I never feel more feminine than when I am in a burqa.
I look forward to seeing a full length picture.
Cariad's Master: If you email me at latexladyll@yahoo.com I shall give you Peter's email address.
Gummi: Yes he did In Six Layers as anHomage to John Sutcliffe's In Three Layers from the 80's
Gloves: the new burqa has two arm slits for my gloved hands and arms to exit when it is absolutely necessary for me to use my hands. I will post a photo of that soon.
Veiled: I had almost forgoten the reaction and interst a bright red burqa generates. It was most fun and yes, I love the way it floats around me when I walk.
Happy Holidays everyone
Holes in this burqa seem to be verry narrow and small. I wonder if it's enough to breathe easily, not talking about vision (it's hard to believe whether effective seeing through it is possible). What you'll say, as wearer of it? But sincerely, please... Thanks. /kausz
I had no trouble at all breathing through the mesh and I enjoyed King Kong immensely as I viewed it through the mesh.
A more traditional burqa mesh screen might make the vision a bit better, but I do not notice any serious problems.
And breathing, even as I walking around was no problem.
Still wondering... May be you could post a photo of "how a view from this burqa would be" (by taking it from inside), and as comparison a clear photo of viewed area. Regards, kauasz - a Central European Doubting Thomas ;)
Still wondering... May be you could post a photo of "how a view from this burqa would be" (by taking it from inside), and as comparison a clear photo of viewed area. Regards, kauasz - a Central European Doubting Thomas ;)
I agree a view from inside the burqa would beost welcome
I find your experiment absolutely fasinating. I was a participant in something of an experiment among a group of devoted rubber fetishists. The idea was to test one's ability to deal with extended rubber restraint, encapsulation and full functional control. I enjoyed my turn..as it were. I had hoped to manage three days. My inability to manage the feeding tube after 30 hours concluded my experience. Perhaps interesting to note that of the four of us, J..the female of the group, completed the full 72 hours. Subsequent efforts have been limited to 8-10 hours. This providing each person a turn over the course of a weekend.
I applaud your efforts and enjoyment of same. Thank you for sharing your journey with us all via blog. Happy Holidays!
I believe women have more endurance for this sort of thing than men do...but I am not sure why. In hospitals, women seem to have less probelms with catheters and feeding tubes than men do.
I am interested to hear of your experiment.
I would just like to say - what a wonderful, heartwarming experiment in love you are engaged in. There seem to be no half-measures or deceptions. Your submission to your Dominant and to the condition of total body coverage by latex is admirable; but it is also quite beautiful, emotionally-charged. It is, in addition, a seemingly honest and well-meant experiment in living itself; dare I say, it is an experiment of both great existential and great democratic merit, in being so clear, total, and consensual. Against this technical array, though, what is transmitted most and most clearly is a sense of love. Wonderful... Best wishes.
Master d
THank you for the kind comments.
Happy new Year to everyone
You are welcome latex lady. I showed my submissive princess your blog, also. That, plus House of Gord and the experiment that JG Leathers is doing with his life are, I think, the best BDSM/fetish things I have seen so far on the Internet. Though I am a Dominant, I can really relate to the interest you have in the idea of being gagged under your burqa in public. That, plus the several layers of rubber you are covered in, is, in toto - as you suggest - a most calming, relaxing, centering device. Rubber nirvana it must be. Very interesting. Best wishes in your continued journey from Master and princess x x
Love your pics. I would love to have my wife wear some of these and escort her. I have suggested to just wear them at home to start. It is interesting that you wear them all day and want her to aswell. We are looking at re marrying and i suggested the white burka with a hood underneath. It has interest
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