Monday, February 27, 2006

Adjusting to Air

That seems a bit pretentious title, but this marks about 2 full weeks now that I have been unencased. I am pretty much fully adjusted to being touched by air, fabric, and people.

My days and my habits have changed littel. Today we are travelling and I am at the airport in a long white dress like I used to wear. I still enjoy wearing the burqa in public, but am no longer ordered to do so by Sir.

Sir loaned several of his latex hoods and outfits along with some of mine to apriest who was lecturing at a seminary. The idea was to shake the seminarian's world view a bit and make sure they understood that people with alternative lifestyles are just a sspiritual, and just as much deserving of their acceptance and tolerance as anyone. He reported to Sir that the presentation he made (in Sir's elaborate ALIEN suit) was quite successful

All else is well. We were hoping to make the SF Fetish Fair this year, but I think we will be out of town. Sir continues to travel a lot and I shall probably be doing a lot myself.

Now that I am unhooded and unencased, I have begun to think about going back into teaching. I had a chat with my friend about it and she encouraged me to find a university that would be interested. It would be nice. More to follow.

I think that's all for the moment...for the trackers, today i am in all white stockings, corset, and gloves under my white long sleeved full skirted dress ... no hood or gag.



  1. I should have been a bit more explicit
    The priest is NOT in the bay area or from it as far as I know.

    Sir says he is NOT a latex fetishist. Sir and I both became aware of him from some posting he did on the IAR site

    His intent was to demonstrate to his students that people choosing alternative lifestyles are jus as spiritual and worthy on ministry as any others...that the alternative lifestyle does not have to be in conflict with people's faith.

    Thanks all

  2. Anonymous1:23 AM

    I am somone who believes - quite a lot of the time. I sure would love to discover that Christ could accept rubberists - those who never hurt another. To me a rubberist is just like an angler or a railway enthusiast. Most are lovely people but there's always some bad eggs in any group. But I probably feel my view is at odds with most of the church which is why your posting about what this priest has done is most intriguing. I applaud him. When one reads a lot of rubber posts one finds that for many people - and I think this includes Lady - there is a spiritual dimension to rubberisation. It can be very calming, very mediative. I find that so and clearly others do. Anyway also perhaps time to say again how fascinating your blog has been. To me it merits publication - on paper, something to browse through, think about, take to Theological Colleges!!! You have looked at many profound issues whilst dealing with something pretty "absurd": everyday life spent totally rubberised long term. And now you're taking a break from it. I think you did amazingly well and that even the process of putting some space between you and the totality of rubber may also prove creative in helping to reflect what it has meant to you. Sometime hence however, I would not be so surprised if you returned to the enclosure. Meantime all the very best, you remain one of those folk who one day I would love to spend an hour with (in a nice British tearoom), preferably with you able to talk.

  3. Anonymous8:52 PM

    As a (real, authentic)Christ follower I don't see why Christianity and rubber enthusiasm would be mutually exclusive. I think it all comes down to who/what 'god' is to you. To some it's Jesus, to others Muhammad, to some people it's drugs or alcohol, to others it's money or their jobs, others it's television or music. What comes first in your life?

  4. Anonymous1:49 AM

    To Anonymous: to Muslims, God is God. Mohammed is his prophet. The idea that Mohammed is god would be heresy.

    Sadly, you demonstrate just how closed-minded many Christians are.

  5. Anonymous 2: I do not think Anonymous 1 was closed minded as much as ill informed. many people do not understand that Mohammed (pbuh) is not considered to be a diety or to be worshipped.

    This is similar to non-catolics thinking that catholics worship Mary or other saints. They do not, although they revere them and ask them to intercede with God.

    But I think the issue is much more one of lack of knowledge rather than closed mindedness

    And neither has much to do with Latex :-)


  6. Dark
    I think he possibly lost interest in the IAR. The presentation only recently happened and since Sir was the only one to help him, I think he probably just lost interest. I know I stopped cross blogging because I stopped getting any feedback from iar members on my posts...perhaps I became boring

    nonetheless, I do not thin there were any hard feelings. He said the presentation went very well to his seminary students and has asked Sir to loan things to him again next year if he does it again.

