Saturday, April 14, 2007

Travelling Again

Just to let everyone know, we've been travelling again, this time in the US. That is why I have been offline somewhat for the past few weeks.

Really, we've just been so busy that I have not had the opportunity to blog our experiences lately. I shall try to do so in a leter post, but since I have been receiving comments from many of you about my abscnece (and thank you all for your kind thoughts) I felt I had best let everyone know that we are still out here in the info-ether

I shall endeavour to catch up on blogging soon as we've had quite a nice Easter visiting Sir's family and are now in Silicon Valley for a few weeks.



  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Dear Lady,

    I'm glad that all is well with you & Sir, and that the both of you had a good Easter visiting with his family.

    I look forward to hearing about more of your adventures.

    Regards from Canada,


  2. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Good to hear from you - and waiting to read about your latest adventures.

    best wishes from Germany


  3. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I have been checking your blog daily Lady and I am just delighted to see all is well. I guess that whatever anyone says about the excitement going out of rubber and latex when you dress in it 23/7 is a load of nonsense because I am looking for more stories and accounts of your rubbery lifestyle every day.
    Once in rubber, always in rubber.
    Good to know all's well.
    Best to you both,

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Dear lady & Sir,

    It is great to have heard from you after your blog-break. Looking forward to your future entries but above all wishing you both every health and happiness.

    regards from a sunny Dublin,

  5. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Welcome back. I look forward to your experiences and your emphasis
    on my favorite accessory.

