Thursday, February 11, 2010


It is snowing here in Dallas today.

We often have slight snowfalls in February, but I do not recall the last time I saw it snow for 12 straight hours here in Dallas. It is at least 4 inches deep around our property. Just lovely.

The temperature is above freezing, but the snow keeps coming down. It makes for some beautiful scenes. Sir has had to clear snow off our satellite dish twice though.

Sir has had me step out in multiple layers...still rather cool even under three layers of rubber. But I must say, the pictures he's taken are impressive looking, particularly the ones where I am in my white burqa. I was all in white rubber, catsuit, dress and burqa.

The blue burqa makes more contrast though...I am much easier to spot in it. :)

Not much else to report...we certainly are not going out!



  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Sounds great - white rubber in white snow :)

    Keep up the good work!


  2. Seems like it is snowing everywhere this year. I look forward to any pictures that you wish to share. Thanks for the insights into your lives.

  3. It makes for some beautiful scenes.

  4. Snow in dallas ? ow strange, seriously I never seen nothing like this before!
