Sunday, December 02, 2007

Cold and Rainy Sunday

The wind is incredible this morning. It was yesterday as well. One minute the sky is clear and the next a huge cloud bank has moved in from the bay and the rain is blasting down or blasting sideways. yesterday we went out for a while and it was fantastic! My burqa swept around me and only the fact that it was tightly attached to the bultin gag hood kept its latex viewing mesh aligned with my perforated eyeholes.

My arms were bound to my sides by the inside zips of my new suit. The zippers extend from under my armpits to the wrists on the inside of the sleeves and from the armpit down the side of my suit to below the waitline. thsi allows my arms to be zipped to my sides either to the elbow which leaves me with a little mobility or all the way to the wrist which means i can't even bend over at the waist much less move my arms. I have to stand, rigidly straight like one of the irsh dancers Sir admires. I look like a little rubber covered doll fresh from the plastics factory.

Sir had only zipped me to the elbow so I had a bit of mobility, but not much. I held the inside folds of my burqa tightly as it whipped about. The feel around my face of three layers of latex (skinsuuit, hooded dress, and burqa gagging hood) was incfredible as the wind caused it to press and then suck away from my face and body.

Latex flows so wonderfully as I walk and try to make my way against the wind. It slides over my body so sensually and the sense of the rubber protecting me and caressign me simulataneously is just fantastic.

Our trip back from the US was simple and comfortable. We passed through security and at heathrow i almost felt completely at home as I saw many veiled and niqab wearing women. I was hardly remarkable at all except that my veiling was soft shiny flowing white rubber instead of the satin and cotton around me.

I think we'll go out for a walk in the mountains today. Perfect weather for it.



Anonymous said...

EXcellent weather for a walk in heavy latex bondage.. Congratulations again for your commitment to latex, bondage and your master. I hope despite your bonds you will be able to write again more often, your lifestyle still being a model for the latex and SM community.

Cariad's Master said...

The rain and wind swept very quickly from you across the Irish Sea to us here in Wales. Great day for the protective qualities of latex.

Great to hear more of you both soon.

Anonymous said...

Lady, as usual, just thinking about what it must be like for Sir to walk next to you is a high for me.
I look forward to your continuuing blogs and hope that they will appear here with greater frequency.

Season's greetings to you both. May you continue to enjoy life to the full, enshrouded in layer upon layer of glorious rubber.

SanderO said...

We know how much you two are into your latex enclosure and that sounds super.

I was wondering if you ever felt the desire to not wear latex? Since you have been wearing latex enclosure for so long I would love to hear what it is like to wear normal fabrics and even more normal clothes.

We hear mostly how challenging it is to wear so much latex and you seemed to have conquered that. You are so articulate it would be interesting to hear how cloth feels to you now.

Have you tried? Do you own any?

Does your head feel peculiar when not enclosed? Are you still shaving your head? Have you though of permanent hair removal?

I am very interested in hearing about your your body has adapted and what that actually means in terms of what others experience as normal?

Many people get a high from dressing for pleasure. I would think that at some point that fetish has become normal and might lose some of its thrill. That would seem to make sense... at least from the sensory POV. What you wear would always have a psychological and emotional edge since it is pretty unorthodox.
